Angle Dekkor:- Principle of Angle Dekkor, Uses, Uses of Angle Dekkor

Angle Dekkor:- An Angle Dekkor is a small variation of the autocollimator. This instrument is essentially used as a comparator and measures the change in angular position of the reflector in two planes.
Principle of Angle Dekkor:- Angle dekkor is capable of measuring small variations in angular setting i.e. determining angular tilt. Angle dekkor is used in combination with angle gauge. First the angle gauge combination is set up to the nearest known angle of the component. Now the angle dekkor is set to zero reading on the illuminated scale.
Uses:- An Angle Dekkor is a small variation of the autocollimator. This instrument is essentially used as a comparator and measures the change in angular position of the reflector in two planes. Uses of Angle Dekkor:- Uses of Angle Dekkor. (i) Measuring angle of a component. (ii) Checking the slope angle of a V-block. (iii) To measure the angle of cone or Taper gauge.

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